Daily Announcements

  • Jr. Badminton practice after school today.  Please let Miss Bulicz know if you can't make it.
  • A robotics sign up sheet for 7-12 will be posted outside the art room. For grades 4-6 a note will be handed out. Robotics begins Tuesday, March 11 for grades 4-12. 
  • Yearbook Meeting today after school
  • Could Marley, Tyler P,  and Finley please go to the library and pick up your fixed laptops.
  • Listen up Jr. actors and actresses; students in grades 6-8 interested in being in the Jr. Drama play, please go to the Art room right after announcements for a brief meeting. If you do not show up, unfortunately you will not be able to be in the play this year. Again, in case you did not hear the announcement the first time - Students from Grades 6-8 interested in being in the Jr. Drama play, please go to the Art room right after announcements.
  • Today is Day 4, have a Terrific Tuesday