Daily Announcements

  • Please see Miss Ward about volunteering for the SR Girls Basketball home Tournament this weekend. 
  • Yearbook meeting today in the I.N. room after school.
  • It is the 100th day of school today!  The Grade 1s will be busy completing: 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 jumping jacks, 100 seconds of plank pose.  While they're busy doing all of these things, they will also be trying to solve the mystery of their missing microwave!
  • Congratulations to the Sr. Girls - they defeated Birch Hills last night in their game.  Good luck to the Sr Girls today - they head to PA to play against St. Mary's 
  • Don't forget to wear a pink shirt tomorrow, for Pink Shirt Day
  • Today is Day 5, it is a kindergarten day.  Have a terrific Tuesday everyone.